
actx Surface Pro 3 gets new firmware to protect against Meltdown and Spectre

actx Surface Pro 3 gets new firmware to protect against Meltdown and Spectre

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  The trajectory of a positively charged ion (yellow) through the BEC (green) can only be visualized artistically. The ion microscope, which is already being developed at the institute promises to make this path directly visible in the future with a resolution of below 200 nanometers. Credit: Celina BrandesTransport processes are ubiquitous in nature but still raise many questions. The research team around Florian Meinert from the 5th Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart has now developed a new method that  ugg fellboots allows them to observe a single charged particle on its path through a dense cloud of ultracold atoms. The results were published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Lette yeezy 700 rs and are  scarpe yeezy subject in a Viewpoint of the accompanying popular science journal Physics.Meinert lsquo s team uses a so-called Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) for their experiments. This exotic state of matter consists of a dense cloud of ultracold atoms. By means of sophisticated laser excitation, t Voeo HireVue Leads Industry in Fair And Ethical Hiring Practise, Engaging External Auditor DCI Consulting Group for External Bias Audit of Algorithms
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