
fkhr Franchise agree to PSL T10 league in December

fkhr Franchise agree to PSL T10 league in December

Okjz Cabinet proposes envoys can lead consultations
  KARACHI:While the economy is experiencing a slowdown and the automobile sector has been badly hit, Pak Suzuki Motor Company sees light at the end of the tunnel as it plans to expand its plant.According to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Pak Suzuki Motor s expansion project post air force women ed on the Sindh Enviro adidas spezial rot nmental Protection Agency (Sepa) website, the company would construct the new plant adjacent to its existing plant at the Pakistan Steel Industrial Estate, Karachi.The plant would occupy an area of 75.062 acres and would include storage areas and an inter aj4 nal road network.Suzuki Motor Corporation Japan, the parent company of Pak Suzuki Motor, would fund the project with an investment of $450 million. Initially, the plant will have the capacity to produce 120,000 four-wheelers per annum but later it will be enhanced to 200,000 vehicles per year.Pakistan's auto sector in trouble but used car demand rises We have submitted our environmental impact assessment report to the Sindh gove Agbp Before takeoff Mother son duo held with drugs at BKIA
To mark the World Human Rights Day, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday urged the international community to end the gross human rights violation by Indian armed forces in occupied Kashmir.The premier took to social media to condemn the Modi-led government's siege of Indian Occupied Kashmir that has been ongoing for over four months. On Human Rights day we must appeal to the world's conscience, to upholders of international law and to the UNSC to act against the illegal annexat air max 2023 ion of IOJK by the I air force one femme ndian occupation govt. The premier demanded for putting an end to the abuse faced by Kashmiri men, women and children and reiterated his support for the  brave Kashmiri's struggling for their right of self-determination .On Human Rights day we must appeal to the world's conscience, to upholders of international law   amp  to the UNSC to act against the illegal annexation o air force 1 hombre f IOJK by the Indian Occupation govt. We condemn the Occupying Indian govt's siege of IOJK ongoing for over 4 months now   a
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