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  Researchers at theUniversity of Arizona College of Medicine 鈥?Tucson, along with collaborators at Harvard University, harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to identify causes of Alzheim chanclas yeezy er鈥檚 disease and potential drug targets by looking deep into the human brain to map the molecular changes that healthy neurons undergo as the disease progresses. The results were published inNature Communications Biology.One of medicine鈥檚 most perplexing problems is Alzheimer鈥檚 disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that causes dementia, memory loss, personality changes and other irreversible symptoms. Drugs can treat symp yeezy toms of the disease, but find yeezy foam ing a cure has been challenging, possibly because the cause of Alzheimer鈥檚 disease is unclear.鈥淭here are multiple pathways involved in Alzheimer鈥檚 disease,鈥?Rui Chang, PhD, associate professor of neurology, said of the sequence of events that occur within cells to trigger changes in the body. 鈥淭his is the first study showing that the AI and big data-  ISLAMAB ugg AD:Germany announced a financial package of 鈧?09 million for Pakistan in order to develop economic ties between the two countries.The Declaration of Intent, which was signed following a meeting between Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr Gerd Muller on Thursday, promises 鈧?09 million to Pakistan in the next two years.Malaysia wants to utilise Gwadar port鈥淢uller proffered the prospect of new funding for bilateral technical and financial cooperation,鈥?said an official handout issued by the German adidas samba og  Embassy in Islamabad.鈥淭he bilateral economic cooperation could reach a significant level of up to 鈧?09 million for  samba adidas og the two-year period of 2017-2018.鈥漈he declaration reiterates the three priority areas for cooperation which include governance, energy and sustainable economic development. Both sides renewed their intention to continue their successful cooperation in order to meet Pakistan鈥檚 socio-economic development challenges,
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